Three adult actors (2M/1W), six principal child actors (2M/4W), a chorus of seven child actors (3M/4W, flexible), and a 3-piece orchestra. Music by Ellen Maddow.
Young Enid Arabella longs for adventure and an escape from her family’s anxious descent into poverty. She gets her chance when she is captured by a wicked pirate king and his crew of kidnapped child pirates. Enid Arabella must summon all her courage and wits to defeat the pirate king, free her fellow captives, save her parents, institute a new democracy, and sail on to fresh adventures! A musical, with a score inspired by sea shanties and world music.
Commissioned by Children’s Theatre Company, Minneapolis, via New Dramatists’ PlayGround. Premiered at CTC in 2012. Produced by Pulse Opera House, IN, 2013, and OddFellows Playhouse, CT, April 2014.
Licensed by Plays for Young Audiences: for more info and production rights, click here.
Photos from Children's Theater Company premiere, directed by Peter Brosius, music by Ellen Maddow, dramaturg Elissa Adams. Sets Joel Sass, lights Paul Whitaker, costumes Mary Anna Culligan, choreography Joe Chvala. Cast: Bradley Greenwald, Megan Fischer, Autumn Ness, Reed Sigmund, Dot McDonald, Emilee Hassanzadeh, Brandon Brooks, Haden Cadiz, Essence Stiggers, Adam Qualls, Emily Scinto, Caliea Jonessa Koehler, Shefali Bijwadia, Gabe Dale-Gau, Roberto Sikaffy, Nicole Akingbasote. Photos: Dan Norman.