Click on titles below for more info
Born With Teeth (2M)
Or, (2W/1M)
Dog Act (3W/3M)
Dear Alien (1–3 W/M)
The Broken Machine (2W/2M/1NB or W or M)
Witch Hunt or, A Discourse on the Wonders of the Invisible World (3W/3M)
The Salonnières (4W/1M)
Wet or, Isabella the Pirate Queen Enters the Horse Latitudes (3W/4M)
Buccaneers (children's musical, large cast)
The Listener (2W/3M)
The Listener of Junk City (musical, 2W/3M)
One Big Lie (musical, 5W/3M)
The Reckless Ruthless Brutal Charge of it or, the Train Play (3W/5M. Also available in French translation.)
Poodle with Guitar and Dark Glasses (One-act, 3W/2M)
Dear Alien (1W, M, or NB. Link to come)
Off the Clock (4W/2M. Link to come)
Asterion (2M/1W plus chorus of 14. Link to come)
Other short plays, including The Last Woman on Earth and Aphra Does Antwerp, and the anthology play, Neon Mirage,
are available at and/or